Crossroads Sept/Oct
Join us on Tuesday, August 18 , for fun filled day trip to RED HAWK Casino Cost: Norcal Members: $35.00 Non Members: $45.00 Each person will receive $5.00 for food,$15.00 for slot machines Lunch is on your own. To secure…
Our regular scheduled Hye Days will take place on Tuesday July 7th This month’s Hye Days is sponsored by : Mr. and Mrs. Ed and Elo Aslanian (Celebrating their 71 Wedding Anniversary) We will have Tea,coffee and Snacks available as…
Celebrating Father’s Day Tuesday , June 2,2015 10am to 3pm Sponsored By: Rev.Vigen and Mrs Marie Galustian (In Honor of all Fathers) Presentaion BY: Terri Neil “Fall Prevention” Snacks , Lunch , Fun , Bingo Games RSVP :650-697-7474
Celebrating Mothers Day Tuesday May 5 , 2015 10 am to 3 pm Sponsored by: Mr. & Mrs. Harout and Marie Hagopian (In Honor of their Mother, Ani Amoore) Presentation BY: Barry Barsamian “Life of Shirley Temple Black” Lunch ,…
Tuesday, April 7, 2015 10 am ~ 3 pm Coffee, Tea & Snack Sonsored by:Mrs. Carol Rustigian (In Memory of her Husband,Mr. George Rustigian) Presentation: Dr. Linda Abajian “ Happiness and Joy ” Lunch……..Fun & Games Bingo and more fun…